Second Look Day Picture this: you’ve received acceptance letters from multiple medical schools and are closer than ever to your dreams of becoming a doctor. However, throughout all the congratulations, you must make some difficult decisions, such as which medical school will be your home for the next four years and where you will find the mentors, opportunities, and community that will elevate you closer to your dreams. Then, among all the invitations, one stands out—the opportunity to revisit your top choice, Texas A&M School of Engineering Medicine (EnMed), for a Second Look.   

Welcome to Second Look Day at EnMed, where the future of engineering medicine becomes real before the eyes of potential students. Second Look Day isn’t just another campus tour; it’s a deeper understanding of engineering medicine and a chance for potential students to see what makes EnMed unique. For many, Second Look Day is the start of a lifelong dream and a meaningful step toward their calling as future physicianeers. 

Second Look Day“I find the second look event to be particularly rewarding because it allows us to engage directly with prospective students who are considering joining our program,” shares Alyssa Garcia Zarco, the Admissions Coordinator at EnMed. “I strive to ensure that every aspect of the event caters to their needs and interests by offering tailored sessions that address their specific questions and concerns about our curriculum, campus culture, and resources.” 

For this year’s event, Alyssa and her team curated an exciting lineup, aiming to engage attendees in the dynamic world of EnMed. “We wanted to provide a comprehensive and immersive experience that helps prospective students make informed decisions about their medical education journey and excite them about becoming a physicianeer,” she explains. 

The agenda was thoughtfully prepared to showcase the diverse opportunities awaiting future physicianeers. “We included tours of EnMed Tower, the Houston Methodist Research Institute, and Houston Methodist Hospital,” Alyssa elaborates. “Also, hands-on simulations in our CLRC, a mock lecture from our very own Dr. Rhome Hughes, and dedicated sessions with program faculty and staff allowed attendees to receive enrollment information and answers to all their questions.” 

Second Look DayMaggie Zhang, who attended the Second Look event as a prospective EnMed student, shared, “I found out about the EnMed program as an engineer, and one of the reasons I wanted to apply to medical school was because a program like EnMed interested me so much, and I’m happy that EnMed is my number one choice for medical school.”  

Second Look Day allows prospective students to experience firsthand the EnMed community and curriculum that defines our unique program. Furthermore, dedicated sessions with program faculty and staff provided attendees with valuable enrollment information and answers to all their questions, ensuring each person who came left feeling empowered and informed.