Samantha Mathew
Biomedical Engineering, Texas A&M University
Samantha Mathew grew up in Plano, Texas, and graduated summa cum laude in May 2023 with a bachelor of science in Biomedical Engineering, focusing on bioinstrumentation, from Texas A&M University.
As an undergraduate student, Mathew worked in Dr. Alex Walsh’s lab, where she worked independently to investigate previously unobserved laser-tissue interactions in immune cells. This experience sparked her interest in cancer and optics. Her other interests include robotics and its application to medicine. Serving as Co-Captain of Texas A&M’s Women in Engineering VEX U Robotics team, she led the team to compete at the state and international levels while prioritizing inclusivity, mentorship, and accessibility for beginner members. Mathew advocates for mental health, and as an undergraduate, she volunteered with Texas A&M’s Suicide Awareness and Prevention Office to train campus and community members on suicide prevention and crisis response.
Mathew remains open-minded about potential specialties of interest, and she hopes to learn to speak both “languages” of medicine and engineering to implement solutions that improve her future patients’ quality and accessibility of care.
In her free time, she enjoys fiber arts, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, playing guitar, and exploring diverse cuisines.