Mechanical Engineering, Southern Methodist University

Drew Schindler is an aspiring physician, accomplished biomedical engineer, and medical device innovator pursuing his degree through Texas A&M’s School of Engineering Medicine’s EnMed program because he is passionate about translating innovative technology into health solutions.   Schindler graduated from Southern Methodist University in 2021 with a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering with a Biomedical Specialization and a Bachelor of Arts in Music. During his undergraduate, he served as the founding president of the SMU Biomedical Engineering Society, worked as a volunteer EMT, and was involved in research creating an EMG-based autonomous walking model for an Indego lower-limb exoskeleton with implications in rehabilitation. Schindler also lived abroad in Malaysia and Singapore for two years as a missionary for his church where he learned Mandarin and Malay.   Upon graduating, Schindler was awarded SMU’s Mechanical Engineering Department Award and began his career with Osseus Fusion Systems as a product development engineer where he gained experience in spinal surgical implant development and medical device regulatory management.   Schindler currently serves on the EnMed Class of 2026 Executive Board as Secretary and holds leadership roles in other student organizations such as the Health Innovations Club, Maroon Health, and the Surgical Interest Group. When he’s not in the classroom, clinic, or collaborating on engineering projects, Schindler enjoys spending time outdoors, playing basketball and performing with his cello.

Andrew Schindler